Thursday 29 December 2011

Things I have loved this December

Y Riding in the first carriage in the Parisian metro. If you stand behing the driver's window, you can just make out the tracks, tunnels, and approaching stations. An eerie and lovely feeling.
Y Paris, generally. I was lucky enough to go twice this month, and loved it both times! The Christmas market at the Sacré-Coeur was beautiful.
Y Making my own presents for colleagues - a real nice, rewarding thing to do!
Y Staying in a lot for the last 10 days. It's so good to be home, read, and recharge the batteries whilst simply watching the Christmas tree.
Y Finding unexpected bargains in the sales in the last couple of days. Is it me, or is it really worth it this year? Driving past a Lush shop today, I couldn't believe it, they also seem to have sales on, which I think they never did before...might have to go!

Y Anticipating the start of 2012, a big year to come...

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