Tuesday 5 January 2010

perfect muffins

There's nothing like a nice batch of steaming hot muffins to lift someon's mood. Mine are plain chocolate chip ones, but they always work and do the trick! For those of you who are feeling a bit down with January blues, here's the how-to:

* Mix 100g of soft butter with 225g of sugar.
* Add around 150ml of plain yogurt.
* Sift 275g. of flour and a small spoon of bicarbonate soda into the mix.
* Add your chocolate chips - for a really positive effect on your endorphines, I recommend 100g +, and I always use dark, but that's just my preference!
* Put the mixture in your baking cases and into the preheated oven at around 180. These babies are quick to cook, so keep chacking on them (mine usually take 20 to 25 minutes).

Now, if that's not an easy recipe, I don't know what is!! trust me, it is the perfect pick-me-up this time of year.


  1. Chocolate chip muffins sound heavenly about now...

  2. ahah, merci pour la recette, je suis bien tentée mais le "est-ce raisonnable" leitmotiv sonne à mes oreilles !!
    Vais-je me laisser tenter ?


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