Monday, 28 September 2015

little pleasures

Life is complicated enough, so I'm trying not to overcomplicate mine this Autumn. One thing I am doing though, is trying out a few of the recipes featured on the Great British Bake Off. Obviously, I've had to draw the line somewhere - Victorian fowl pies? nope. Madeira cake and proofing-free bread? Most definitely. The Padron peppers are from Waitrose, and have nothing to do with the Bake Off, but I was so happy to find them in an English supermarket!

Last weekend I took Baby to see her first fair, which she loved, right down to the eurotrash songs blasting out of the speakers. Cute - in a cringy sort of way. The fair always comes to town this time of year, and I guess before we know it, Baby J will be big enough to go on the rides all by herself for the first time. I'm realising we are in a real transitinal phase at the moment, full of first times and last times. A bit like the autumnal season itself I guess: last time you wear your summer dress, first time you put the heating on, that sort of thing.

La vie est assez compliquée comme ca, alors j'essaie de me simplifier la mienne cet automne. Par contre, je me suis lancé le défi d'essayer quelques unes des recettes du Great British Bake Off. Cela dit, il a bien fallu tirer un trait quelque part - tourte victorienne au faisan? nan. Quatre-quart et pain sans levain? Absolument. Les poivrons Padron viennent de chez Waitrose, et n'ont rien a voir avec le Bake Off, mais j'étais tellement contente d'en trouver dans un supermarché anglais!

Le weekend dernier j'ai emmené Bébé a sa premiere vogue, qu'elle a adorée, jusqu'aux chansons bien pourries qui sortaient des sonos. Plutot atendrissant, avec une sérieuse pointe d'embarras. La vogue vinet toujours a cette époque de l'année, et j'imagine que d'ici peu Bébé sera assez grande pour pouvoir monter sur les maneges toute seule pour la premiere fois. Je me rends compte que nous sommes dans une phase pleine de transisitons en ce moment, pleine de premieres fois et de dernieres fois. Un peu comme l'automne, en fin de compte: derniere fois qu'on porte une robe d'ete, premiere fois qu'on met le chauffage, ce genre de choses. 

Monday, 21 September 2015

late summer

Well, once again the start of the school year has kinda hit me like a train. It's been a non stop fortnight, especially as our offices have all been moved around. Having a new responsibility in school has brought a couple of challenges already but yada yada yada...bored talking about work already.
On the home front not much has happened, our dream of becoming home owners has hit a bit of a delay, but we keep our fingers crossed that all will be fine if it's meant to be, no need to torture ourselves too much. For now I've been concentrating on making a new set of curtains (the old ones were literally about to fall apart, never seen fabric turn so badly in my life after a wash) and following the Bake Off religiously. This year I've fully embraced it and already made a few of the recipes from the contestants - all yummy stuff.
We've not really had much luck with the weather lately, it's that time of year when you wonder whether you'll have to put the heating on tonight. Still, nature's not completely given up on summer yet as you can see from the pretty sights from Hampton Court, and sensationalist headlines are promising an indian summer, as they do always do around this time of year.
Well this is it for now dear readers. Much needed rest awaits if I'm to make the rest of the week :)

Friday, 4 September 2015

school uniforms

trousers and top - Caroll, shoes - André, bag - Promod

skirt and top - Caroll, shoes - Aldo, purse - Oliver Bonas

top - Caroll, skirt - Cyrillus, shoes - André, pyramid purse - handmade by me, necklace and earrings - Agatha

curduroy - Joules, top - Caroll, cardigan - Cyrillus

Mum and Baby slippers - Next

This summer I really went to town with two of my favourite shops in France, Cyrillus and Caroll. I love the new Caroll collection and really wish we could buy it here in the UK, but then it's also nice to wear something which you're not going to find on everyone.
I found Baby and I some cosy little slippers for when the sun comes down and it's time to snuggle up at home at the end of the day. We're ready for school!

Cet été je me suis vraiment fait plaisir dans deux de mes magasins préférés en France, Cyrillus et Caroll. J'adore la collection automnale de chez Caroll, et des fois je voudrais bien pouvoir acheter de leurs articles ici, mais il y a du bon a porter des vetements qu'on ne retrouve pas sur tout le monde.
Je nous ai aussi trouvé a Bébé et a moi de joiles petites pantoufles cosy pour quand le soleil se couche et qu'il est temps de se dorloter a la maison en fin de journée. On est fin pretes pour la rentrée!
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