Oh sweet cosy winter days. Baby is changing by the minute, and I wish, so wish I had kept my journal up to date to keep a detailed record of her progress. Sure, there are many pictures, but she is one fast moving little active child. Not that I complain, it's good to keep on one's toes I guess. Winter has been kind of slow here at Yummy Lavender, yet I have enjoyed it this way. Just enjoy the moment, make pancakes in the morning, day-dream crazy goals for the year that's just started, make plans, rethink, dream again (damn holiday brochures!) and start again from scratch.
This winter I loved:
♥ making a new dress for the work Sewing Bee - we used the Colette Dahlia pattern. "Funny" neckline is the most PC way I can put it
♥ catching up with the latest series of Spiral on the BBC, it's as fast-paced and gripping as it's always been
♥ visiting an old friend in Berlin. This city is a big pet love of mine, I absolutely adore it, and it was perfect for a short break with Baby - post to come
♥ going for high tea at Fortnum & Mason's, there's simply nothing like it
♥ making Scandinavian walnut macaroon layer cake from Country Living. The worrying thing is, does my reading this magazine indicate to you how old I am getting? Best not to think about that.
(Toujours pas appris comment mettre les accents. Promis, j'apprends avant la fin 2015!)
Cet hiver j'ai aime:
♥ faire une nouvelle robe pour La Meilleure Couturiere au boulot - on a pris le patron Dahlia de chez Colette. L'encolure etait, disons...pour le moins ennuyeuse, pour rester polie
♥ voir la derniere saison d'Engrenages sur la BBC, on retrouve le meme rythme effreine et les memes intrigues que d'habitude, c'est super
♥ render visite a une vieille amie a Berlin. J'ai toujours eu un faible pour cette ville, je l'adore, et c'etait parfait le temps d'un long weekend avec Bebe. Je vous en reparle tres vite
♥ boire le the avec tout le tralala chez Fortnum & Mason, il n'y a rien de comparable
♥ faire le gateau de macarons aux noix de mon magazine Country Living. Ce qui m'inquiete le plus dans cette histoire, c'est que cette lecture pourrait vous dire a quell point je vieillis. Mieux vaut ne pas y penser.
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