I SO do not want to go back to work!! I feel like pulling a bit tantrum, stomping my feet hard on the ground, crossing my arms and burying myself under my duvet. My only consolation is, I think I'm not the only one feeling like this, right? I really love my job, deep down, and can't wait to see familiar faces again, but things are just
so great being at home, it's hard to give up all that
sense of freedom.
When I'm at home, I don't have to have my morning break at 10.50 on the dot, and generally I feel pretty laid-back compared to my other caffeined-self. This past week for example, I've not been up to much, but it's been one of the best weeks I could wish for - I've
baked, looked after my house and indulged in a bit of home-
pampering. I have also finally got round to making the pocket pouch using a pattern I purchased a while back.
I am still having trouble with the topstitch, despite some excellent advice from
Keyka Lou herself. I'm guessing it will come with practice, and a bit more patience on my part. I have made three of those already, but can only show two for now. I am loving the fabrics I got last autumn, and I'm thinking I was a bit silly at the time and should have bought them in bulk. Well, it makes for pretty unique items anyhow!
I hope you like my pocket pouches. I always love a new project, and have relished making those. If you can think of any tips for my topstitch, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks again for stopping by, and the nice comments.